shipping policy
how much is shipping?
There is a flat rate of £4.99 for shipping and handling.
where do you ship to?
We currently only ship to mainland UK addresses. (Excludes Northern Ireland, Channel Islands, Isle of Man, Isle of Wight, Outer Hebridies, Shetland and Orkney Islands).
when will my order be dispatched?
We aim for goods to be dispatched within 24 hours of receipt of your order, this excludes weekend and bank holidays.
Once your order has been processed you will receive a despatch email with your courier tracking number.
We cannot accept responsibility for delivery failure if you provide an incorrect delivery details.
other faq’s
how can i contact customer support?
Customer support can be contacted by using the form available here.
how will the charge show on my bank statement?
Your bank statement will show a charge from Drink Fresh Ltd. Drink Fresh Ltd operate the oslohd.co.uk website on behalf of Oslo Håndverksdestilleri